Congratulations Kelsea Edwing!

Space Grant student Kelsea Edwing had an article accepted for publication in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters. Congratulations to Kelsey and her advisor, Dr. Yan!

Student Success

Congratulations Sarah! We know Sarah LaTorre from RockOn! and Summer Research, and we are over the moon happy for her as she continues a spectacular trajectory in a full-time educator position at ChristianaCare’s Gene Editing Institute after graduation in May. Read more about it here:

2022 LiftOff Summer Institute for 5th-12th Grade Teachers

Delaware 5th-12th grade teachers are eligible to be sponsored by DE Space Grant in the 2022 LiftOff Summer Institute. FREE registration and FREE travel to Houston! Apply today! The 2022 LiftOff Summer Institute is a weeklong training event sponsored by NASA’s Texas Space Grant Consortium and held at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. This… Continue reading 2022 LiftOff Summer Institute for 5th-12th Grade Teachers