Out-of-This World Leadership

TJ Tomaszewski is a junior physics major who is project manager of the team of the Cube Sat project that's building a satellite to be launched in 2026. He is also part of the team that will launch a sounding rocket from Wallops Island, VA between June 13-21. This story will dive deeper into his background and what he has learned from his experience.

TJ Tomaszewski, University of Delaware junior’s future includes making history as leader of UD’s Delaware Atmospheric Plasma Probe Experiment (DAPPEr) team, which will build the state’s first spacecraft to orbit the Earth. Read More in UDaily: https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2024/june/tj-tomaszewski-making-space-history-physics-student/?utm_source=UDaily+Subscribers&utm_campaign=9007fd248d-udaily_daily_mc&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0b5034716d-9007fd248d-264637149

Making Moon Rocks

UD mechanical engineering students help NASA test a moon rover Read about it in UDaily!

Congratulations Kelsea Edwing!

Space Grant student Kelsea Edwing had an article accepted for publication in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters. Congratulations to Kelsey and her advisor, Dr. Yan! https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2024/february/climate-change-indian-ocean-marine-heatwaves-mid-south-atlantic-bight-warming/

Student Success

Congratulations Sarah! We know Sarah LaTorre from RockOn! and Summer Research, and we are over the moon happy for her as she continues a spectacular trajectory in a full-time educator position at ChristianaCare’s Gene Editing Institute after graduation in May. Read more about it here: https://vista.today/2024/02/sarah-latorre-wilmington-university/

NASA’s Heliophysics Big Year

Bill Matthaeus, Ramiz Qudsi and Bennett Maruca are some of the researchers who worked on a special issue of the Astrophysical Journal that focuses on the Parker Solar Probe was published today (Feb. 3rd) in which five of the articles were written by (or involved) UD researchers. (Bennett Maruca-striped shirt, Ramiz Qudsi-gray jacket, and Bill Matthaeus-gray shirt)

Last Saturday, October 14 kicked off NASA’s Heliophysics Big Year! Even though it was a bit of a soggy start in Delaware, we are looking forward to some great science coming up! Read more in UDaily

2023 Undergraduate Summer Research Augmentation

Read about Zairr’s Research Read about Connor’s Research Read about Rodney’s Research Read about Andrew’s Research Read about Donovan’s Research Read about Jada’s Research Read about Khalid’s Research Read about Joshua’s Research Read about Maeve’s Research Read about Stephanie’s Research Read about Keimora’s Research Read about Ibrahim’s Research

Categorized as Students

2023 Undergraduate Summer Research Internships

Read about Isaac’s Research Read about Christina’s Research Read about Allison’s Research Read about Markos’ Research Read about David’s Research Read about Mark’s Research Read about Ethan’s Research Read about Gavin’s Research Read about Benjamin’s Research Read about Samantha’s Research Read about Sarah’s Research Read about Natalie’s Research Read about Anthony’s Research

Categorized as Students